The purpose of this material is to study and understand the work of the Holy Spirit and the conditions for receiving the LATTER RAIN. It is our desire that God will show us our great need of the Holy Spirit, and teach us how to plead, wrestle and pray like we have never prayed before.
At this time Our Great Need is to unite as brethren and humble ourselves before God. We need to confess that we are nothing, that we are powerless without Him. We need to acknowledge that we are sinners and have failed Him. We need now more than ever to wrestle with a covenant keeping God to forgive us and fill us with His Spirit. Oh how we need the cleansing Early Rain and the power of the Latter Rain.
As authors we have a great burden to carry the last message of mercy to the 6.5 billion people of the world and to awaken God’s people to their high calling. God has place upon us a great responsibility and all around are signs that the end is coming and time is running out. As a people we have been working to fulfill our commission for over 150 years. So why are we still here? What are we missing?
When will we realize our great need? When will we realize that we cannot warn the 6.5 billion people on this earth without the power of the LATTER RAIN? When will we realize we must tarry with the Lord until we receive the power of the Holy Spirit? We must come apart for a while, stop our busy routine to wrestle, plead and beg for power to finish the work.
When we as a people realize Our Greatest Need is to plead with God to fill us with His Spirit; God will fill us with power to finish the work and we will go home. We have a great task ahead and it will only be finished by the power of the LATTER RAIN.
"What we need is the baptism of the Holy Spirit. Without this, we are no more fitted to go forth to the world than were the disciples after the crucifixion of their Lord." RH 02-18-90
"If the disciples of Christ needed to assemble together in one place after the ascension of Christ and pray for the descent of the Holy Spirit, there would be greater need of their doing so now when solemn and far-reaching principles are involved. Ten days were devoted to earnest seeking of God and ten days would need to extend to twenty." 6MR 87
"Could there be a convocation of all the churches of the earth, the object of their united cry should be for the Holy Spirit. When we have that, Christ our sufficiency is ever present. We shall have every want supplied." 2MR 24
"We must have help which God alone can give, and that help will not come unasked. …without special help from God, the cause of truth will not go forward. I have been shown angels of God all ready to impart grace and power to those who feel their need of divine strength. But these heavenly messengers will not bestow blessings unless solicited." RH 7-24-83
"There is nothing more needed in the work than the practical results of communion with God. We should hold convocations for prayer, asking the Lord to open the way for the truth to enter the strongholds where Satan has set up his throne..." HP 93
"Oh, that God’s people had a sense of the impending destruction of thousands of cities, now almost wholly given to idolatry!... Their first work is to pray for the outpouring of the Holy Spirit, as the disciples prayed for it after the ascension of Christ." GCB 3-30-03
"None need feel that they are too busy to pray, too full of business cares to spend an occasional fifteen minutes to seek counsel from God. My brethren, make God your entire dependence. When you do otherwise, then it is time for a halt to be called. Stop right where you are and change the order of things. Pray first, before taking up the work of the day…. In sincerity, in soul-hunger, cry after God. Wrestle with the heavenly agencies until you have the victory." 10MR 233