"Our Church’s greatest need today is to study carefully and apply fully the principles outlined in the soul - stirring compilation Our Greatest Need. I cannot recommend it highly enough. Every Seventh-Day Adventist should have a copy and study it prayerfully."
Dr. Leo R. Van Dolson, Ph.D. Former associate Editor of the Review and Herald,
& Sabbath School Quarterly.
"Our Greatest Need is written with passion and precision, using Ellen White’s own words, every reader will be immensely motivated to fulfill God’s purpose for His people, in these end – times."
Herbert E. Douglas, Th.D. Former assistant Editor of the Review and Herald, & College President.
"Our Greatest Need is a formula for personal revival and reformation, this book if prayerfully studied should motivate the preparation of God’s people in these last days, for the Latter Rain and the coming of Christ. I have been touched personally by this book."
Richard A. Marker, Treasurer of the Greater New York Conference.
"Our Greatest Need" is the Holy Spirit – the Latter Rain – to give the Loud Cry to the world. Every Seventh-day Adventist should be preparing to receive this great experience for the finishing of the work.
Jay Galimore, President of the Michigan Conference
"Compilations like Our Greatest Need are very important to help us come experientially onboard God’s end-time program. I highly recommend the study of this topic…. Well would it be if every Seventh-day Adventist would give receiving the Former and the Latter Rain there top priority, just as God does."
Larry Kirkpatrick, Pastor/ California Conference
"As a speaker and presenter on the subject of the Holy Spirit for many years, I have recently become acquainted with the compilation, "Our Greatest Need."… I have been impressed that this volume is yet another means to alert our people with this very vital and essential subject. It is my prayer this will assist us as a people and be spread like the leaves of Autumn."
David W. Wolkwitz, Pastor and former President
"The Latter Rain represents the spiritual experience God gives to His people to prepare them to join with the Loud Cry angel of Rev. 18:1…. I recommend that all read the book "Our Greatest Need" and join in giving the Loud Cry."
Danny Shelton, President of 3ABN
"This book, Our Greatest Need will inspire you, it will challenge you, it could change you – if you will let it. Then if you would truly gain the benefit it offers, you will go back and read the original volumes from which these statements were taken and be prepared to receive the Latter Rain power."
Dave Westbrook, Pastor/Evangelist, Nevada, Utah Conference.